Analytic and Systemic Specialized Incest Group Psychotherapy: Five-year follow-up of a randomized trial

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

PURPOSE: Women with long-term sequalae of child sexual abuse (CSA) were randomly assigned to analytic (Group A) or systemic group psychotherapy (Group S). Pre-post-analysis indicated that both therapies led to significant improvement, but overall Group S had significantly better outcome than Group A. This study investigates if gains are maintained one and five years following termination, and if the groups differ in gains.
METHOD: 106 women started on allocated intervention. Psychological distress (GSI from SCL-90R), psycho-social functioning (GAF), and global life quality (GLQ), were assessed before and after treatment and one and five years following termination.
FINDINGS: 86 patients (81%) completed group therapy, 68 (64%) completed the one-year follow-up and 64 (60%) the five-year follow-up. At five year follow-up ANOVA was performed using treatment group as a between factor and the four time points as repeated measures. Intention to treat analysis demonstrated that improvement were significant on all measures (P < 0.000). Independent samples t-test on gains was NS for all measures.
CONCLUSIONS: Women with a history of CSA who were treated with Group A or Group S treatment maintained statistical significant improvement on GSI, GAF and GLQ five years post-treatment. No significant difference was found in gains between groups.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2010
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventISSTD 27th Annual Conference - Atlanta, GA, United States
Duration: 16 Oct 201018 Oct 2010


ConferenceISSTD 27th Annual Conference
CountryUnited States
CityAtlanta, GA

ID: 33225284