Statistical café

Wednesdays between 14 and 15

The Statistical Café offers statistical help to PhD-students and faculty at the Faculty of Health Sciences. No appointment is needed – you just show up. Statistician(s) will circulate and help.

The Statistical Café is
* physical on odd week numbers (e.g. 9, 11)
* online on even week numbers (e.g. 10, 12)

How to prepare

Please prepare your questions meticulously. If relevant, have the statistical software up and running on your laptop.

How to show up

  • Physical Statistical Café: Room 5.2.46, Section of Biostatistics, located 2nd floor in building CSS-5, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 Copenhagen.
  • Online Statistical Café: You can join the café from 14:00. We can help the first 12, so make sure to register (and join the zoom meeting) by clicking on the link:
    We will include you when we are ready.