FACE TIME: Selvportrætter, selfies og selvmedier

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

Der er mange indfaldsvinkler til Rembrandt, hans arbejder og hans 350-årsdag. Her er valgt en, der forbinder det helt nye, Rembrandt tog op, nemlig selvportrætterne, som han dyrkede fortættet hele livet, og så nutidens selvportrætgenre par excellence: selfien. Begge vinkler vil blive samlet i udtrykket selvmedier i denne artikel. / There are many angles to Rembrandt, his works and his 350th birthday. Here is chosen one that connects the brand new Rembrandt brought up, namely the self-portraits that he cultivated densely throughout his life, and today's self-portrait genre par excellence: the selfie. Both angles will be included in the term self-media in this article.
Original languageDanish
Publication statusPublished - 19 Aug 2019

ID: 225956635