Natasha Housseine

Natasha Housseine


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    Natasha Housseine is a resident in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Aga Khan University, Tanzania. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen. She is from Comoros  and has worked for 3 years at a high-volume maternity unit of a referral hospital in Zanzibar, Tanzania. She is driven by a passion to improve the conditions and experiences of women during pregnancy and childbirth in low-resource settings. Pregnant women deserve the best care, no matter where they are in the world. She has a particular interest in stillbirth prevention which was the focus of her Ph.D.: "Strategies to improve intrapartum care: Foetal monitoring in low resource settings" and postdoctoral research: “ Enabling best possible childbirth care in Tanzania (The PartoMa Project)”. Since 2014, She has been a core member of PartoMa Project, which focuses on co-developing and implementing achievable clinical guidelines to assist healthcare providers in busy, resource-poor maternity care units in Tanzania to give the best possible evidence-based care. As a co-Principal Investigator, she holds multiple scientific and management roles. She also gains mentorship and training in research methodologies, leadership skills, and governance issues within a multinational, multi-disciplinary team of experts.

    ID: 330615083