Familial longevity is associated with lower baseline bone turnover but not differences in bone turnover in response to rhTSH

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  • Ana Zutinic
  • Ferdinand Roelfsema
  • Hanno Pijl
  • Bart E. Ballieux
  • Westendorp, Rudi GJ
  • Gerard J. Blauw
  • Diana van Heemst

Context: Offspring from long-lived families have a different thyroid status than controls, characterised by higher circulating levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and similar levels of thyroid hormone. Expression of the TSH receptor has previously been observed on various extrathyroidal tissues, including bone. However, potential physiological consequences of differences in circulating TSH as observed in familial longevity on bone tissue remain unclear. Objective: Based on the hypothesis that TSH may inhibit bone resorption, we explored whether offspring of long-lived families have lower bone turnover than controls at baseline as well as following a challenge with recombinant human TSH (rhTSH). Methods: Bone turnover markers CTX and P1NP were measured in fasted morning samples from 14 offspring and 12 controls at baseline and at 24 hour intervals following 0.1 mg rhTSH i.m. administration for four consecutive days. Results: At baseline, mean (SEM) CTX was 0.32 (0.03) ng/ml in offspring and 0.50 (0.04) ng/ml in controls, p < 0.01, whereas mean (SEM) P1NP was 39.6 (3.2) ng/ml in offspring and 61.8 (6.6) ng/ml in controls, p < 0.01. Following rhTSH administration, both CTX and P1NP levels transiently increased over time and normalized towards baseline after 72 h (general linear modelling: CTX time p = 0.01, P1NP time p < 0.01); the response was similar between offspring and controls. Conclusions: Bone turnover markers were lower at baseline in offspring from long-lived families than in controls but increased similarly following an rhTSH challenge.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number17
Pages (from-to)21029-21039
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Zutinic et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Research areas

  • bone metabolism, longevity, rhTSH, thyroid

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ID: 306972556