The European Health Data Space: How will it affect research?

A new legislation known as The European Health Data Space (EHDS) is about to be passed in the European
Parliament. This legislation aims to improve access to electronic health data in the context of healthcare, and facilitate cross-border care as well as research, innovation, and policymaking and planning. The legislation suggests greater harmonization of electronic health records across European countries and shared registries. What is underway and how will it affect health data science,
epidemiology, and public health? How may researchers make their voices heard? This seminar outlines what is underway and begins the discussion.

11:00-11:05 Welcome (Naja Rod, University of Copenhagen)
11:05-11:35 Introducing the EHDS (Sigrun Gyrtrup and Louise Nordentoft Furbo,
Danish Health Data Authority)
11:35-11:55 How might the EHDS benefit research and impact public health?
(Christian Fynbo Christiansen, Aarhus University)
11:55-12:00 Comments from Mélodie Bernaux (Europen Commission)
12:00-12:30 Questions and discussion (chaired by Klaus Hoeyer, University of
Copenhagen, and Andrea Ganna, University of Helsinki)

Everybody is welcome