Henriette Langstrup

Henriette Langstrup

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Member of:

Current research

WP-leader in the Grand Solutions-project IPARD (Improving Integrated care pathways for Patients with chronic diseases And their Relatives through a Digital solution)

In the steering group for Brain and Technology Clinical Academic Group (BAT CAG)


Primary fields of research

I study the social and organizational implications of digitalisation of healthcare and patients' and citizens' use of personal digital technologies and data. For example I explore the use of apps and algorithms among persons with chronic illnesses, the development of sociotechnical infrastructures for the collection of patient-raported data and patient driven digital innovation. I use qualitative and ethnographic methods. I contribute to research areas such as Science and Technology Studies, Health Informatics, Medical Sociology, CSCW, Health Services Research and Organization studies. 


I teach organisational analysis, technological innovation and change, Science and Technology Studies (STS) and qualitative methods. 

ID: 11186