Towards a Feminist Assessment of Reproductive Technology

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

The field of medical technology assessment is rapidly developing and, within the area of reproductive technology, the issues are extremely complex. These sophisticated technologies involve the genetic manipulation of human germ cells and fertilized eggs, and may have irreversible effects on future gener ations. The example of in vitro fertilization IVF is used Although still considered ‘experimental’ by some countnes an opinion shared by the World Health Organization, in Denmark this is now considered standard treatment for infertile women. The procedure is expensive, there are unknown risks, and the consequences are far-reaching. A feminist oriented assessment of this as well as of all other reproductive technologies is needed because IVF deals directly with the female body; via the female body, IVF and other reproductive technologies change the social relations between the sexes; they change the concepts of maternity and paternity, and they are the key to the age of genetic engineering of the human body and human race.

Original languageEnglish
JournalActa Sociologica
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)173-191
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1987

ID: 228773609