Anja Marie Bornø Jensen

Anja Marie Bornø Jensen

Associate Professor

Primary fields of research

Qualitative methods and research ethics. Medical anthropology and medical technology. Organ donation and organ transplantation. Science and Technology Studies. Perceptions of the body and death, as well as the problems surrounding the brain death criteria. Sense-making strategies, grieving processes, hope, heroism, identity, narratives, gift exchange, commodification and kinship and relatedness.

Current research

I am Associate Professor in Medical Anthropology. 

Currently, I am research leader on the Sapere Aude project  "TechnEmotion. The interaction between Technology and Emotion in Transplant medicine" funded by the Independent Danish Research Fund

I am the Director of Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies

I hold a Carlsberg Foundation Monograph Fellowship and am working on my book on organ donation and donor families. And in 2014, I recieved a Senior Research Stipend from the Danish Heart Foundation. 

I am also a member of the Semper Ardens project MEINWE (PI Mette Nordahl Svendsen) investigating personlized medicine in the Danish Welfare State. 

My primary research focus is on the social and ethical implications of organ donation and transplantation. I have done research on data practices in Danish transplantation, on how the pig is used in Danish experimental transplant research, on family refusals in organ donation, on the professional challenges of transplant professionals and on the experiences of Danish and American donor families. 

I am the course manager of "Qualitative methods and analysis" at the Master of Public Health programme and of the Elective course "Medical STS - Analysis and Writing" at the Public Health programme. 

Selected publications:

Jensen, A. MB. (2022). Making it Happen: Data Practices and the Power of Diplomacy among Danish Organ Transplant Coordinators. BioSocieties

Jensen, A. MB., & Hoeyer, K. (2021). Making sense of donation: Altruism, Duty, and Incentives. I S. L. Hansen, & S. Schicktanz (red.), Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation Current Debates and International Perspectives (1 udg.). Transcript Verlag.

Jensen, A. M.B., & Svendsen, M. N. (2020). Collaborative intimacies: How research pigs in Danish organ transplantation facilitate medical training, moral reflection and social networking. MAT Medicine Anthropology Theory7(2), 120-149.

Jensen, A. M. B., & Larsen, J. B. (2020). The public debate on organ donation and presumed consent in Denmark: Are the right issues being addressed? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health48(5), 480-485.

Jensen, A. M. B. (2017). Guardians of 'the gift': the emotional challenges of heart and lung transplant professionals in Denmark. Anthropology & Medicine24(1), 111-126.

Jensen, A. M. B.  (2016). "Make Sure Somebody Will Survive From This": Transformative Practices of Hope Among Danish Organ Donor Families. Medical Anthropology Quarterly30(3), 378–394.



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