Anne Sofie Børsch

Anne Sofie Børsch


My research focuses on how health technologies and interventions translate into people's everyday practices and lived lives. I am a sociologist by training and work with qualitative methods.

Present research
I am affilitated with the Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) where I bring together perspectives from patients, their relatives, stem cell scientists and other stakeholders to develop methods for upstream patient involvement in stem cell research. I study how patients live with their medical conditions, what future possible therapeutic setups and data demands might mean for patients, and how patients' views on these issues might be used to inform the development of future potential stem cell therapies. 

I am also involved in the research project Screened? funded by Fonden for Faglig Udvikling i Speciallægepraksis and Helsefonden.  Here, I study how the use of video consultations in medical specialist practice reconfigures clinical practices and patient-doctor relationships within psychiatry, gynaecology, neurology and dermatology, including how video consultations come to mean different things to patients.

Previous research
In my PhD research (completed 2022), I examined the potentials and challenges of supporting the mental health and well-being of newly arrived migrant adolescents in Denmark through school settings. Through an ethnographic study of two classrooms, I examined how a specific classroom-based mental health intervention came to life in very different ways, in conjunction with everyday classroom practices, the hopes, desires and concerns of adolescents and teachers as well as the political and institutional conditions of the two schools. 


ID: 135859231