The Unit of Medical Psychology

The Unit of Medical Psychology does research and teaching in a broad range of topics in the fields of psychology that are particularly relevant for medicine and other health sciences. The aim is to create and disseminate knowledge about the psychological causes and effects of disease and psychological factors in health promotion.

University of Copenhagen

The Unit consists of 3 research groups that collaborate both internally and externally. The Self, Health, and Romantic Processes (SHaRP) research group is interested in understanding the interplay between individual and relational health and relational dynamics. A specific focus is on intimate partner violence and its intra-personal, interpersonal, and social antecedents and consequences.

The Family and Sexual Health group seeks to examine family dynamics in the face of stressors, such as parental divorce or mental health issues. Moreover, the group focuses on sexual health and sexuality across the life span.

The Neuropsykiatrisk Laboratorium studies the neurobiology of addiction, with a focus on neuroplasticity and its role in psychiatric disorders, namely depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse.




The Unit of Medical Psychology is responsible for teaching health psychology in several programmes within the Faculty of Health Sciences:
  • Bachelor/Master of Science in Medicine
  • Bachelor/Master of Science in Public Health
  • Master Science in Health Science
  • Master of Science in Odontology



The staff in the Unit of Medical Psychology supervise student projects with topics within the field of health psychology including bachelor’s, master’s and PhD projects from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

We recommend looking at the individual researcher profiles to see their areas of expertise. Additionally, we advertise project ideas to the KU Project Portal.





Name Title Phone E-mail
Camilla Stine Øverup Associate Professor +4535335174 E-mail
Christina Mandrup Jäderholm Postdoc +4535333850 E-mail
Daniel Bach Johnsen Industrial Postdoc E-mail
Erik Lykke Mortensen Emeritus +4535327839 E-mail
Gert Martin Hald Professor +4535337213 E-mail
Gitta Wörtwein Associate Professor +4535327484 E-mail
Hans Henrik Jensen Emeritus +4535327930 E-mail
Lalou Rostrup Holdt PhD Fellow +4535324584 E-mail
Regitze Izabella Cristine Rothoff Student FU E-mail