Global Health Section

The Global Health Section has a strong focus on education and outreach, and is active in many capacity building projects with partners in low-income countries.

The research at the Department of Public Health's Global Health Section takes an interdisciplinary approach to global health, and covers a wide range of topics such as diabetes and double burden of disease, environmental health, disaster and emergency health, infectious and neglected tropical diseases, sexual and reproductive health, and health care delivery in low-income societies.










To meet the increasing need for capacity building and strengthening of the resource base in global health both in Denmark and internationally, the Department of Public Health's Global Health Section offers several study programmes, short courses and summer schools.

On this page, you will find an overview of project proposals and internship opportunities that the Department of Public Health offers to bachelor's, master’s, and research year students.







Global Health Section
Department of Public Health
University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5, byg. 9
PO Box 2099
DK-1014 Copenhagen  

Phone: +45 35 32 76 26


Karin Linda Schiøler

Head of Section
Karin Linda Schiøler,
Associate Professor

Phone: +45 35 32 69 76


Name Title Phone E-mail
Almeida, Sara dos Santos PhD Fellow +4535321195 E-mail
Andersen, Lena Skovgaard Associate Professor +4535321568 E-mail
Bach-Mortensen, Helga Agnete Student E-mail
Baumgart, Nick Julien Academic Research Staff +4535329337 E-mail
Bygbjerg, Ib Christian Emeritus +4535327835 E-mail
Christensen, Dirk Lund Associate Professor E-mail
Dræbel, Tania Assistant Professor E-mail
Egeland, Caroline Clemens Special Consultant +4535327960 E-mail
Elvekjær, Bjørg Senior Consultant +4535326704 E-mail
Ethelberg, Steen Professor +4535337964 E-mail
Fischer, Thea Kølsen Clinical Professor +4541714721 E-mail
Furu, Peter Associate professor, Head of Studies +4535326786 E-mail
Gates, Alexandra Haavardsson Student E-mail
Goswami, Suchismita PhD Fellow +4535331288 E-mail
Grunnet, Louise Groth Guest Researcher E-mail
Gyawali, Bishal Assistant Professor +4535333302
Hansen, Marianne Taulo Lund Academic Officer +4535337221 E-mail
Hearn, Roger George Part-time Lecturer +4520342072 E-mail
Heinicke, Susan Administrative Officer +4535332850 E-mail
Hogerty, Kendall Marie Academic Research Staff +4535333330 E-mail
Housseine, Natasha Postdoc E-mail
Ingvorsen, Hanne Division Secretary +4535327626 E-mail
Jensen, Peter Kjær Mackie Associate Professor +4530590738 E-mail
Jensen, Lasse X Assistant Professor E-mail
Jensen, Mette Yao Student FU +4535322366 E-mail
Jørgensen, Jutta Mari Adelin Guest Researcher E-mail
Konradsen, Flemming Professor E-mail
Kujabi, Monica Lauridsen Postdoc +4535325127 E-mail
Lillebæk, Troels Professor +4535331175 E-mail
Maaløe, Nanna Associate Professor +4535337291 E-mail
Mechlenborg Nørulf, Morten Research Consultant +4535324199 E-mail
Meyrowitsch, Dan Wolf Associate Professor +4535327174 E-mail
Nielsen, Anne Bach Assistant Professor +4535325718 E-mail
Nissen, Gry Sofie Oddershede Student FU E-mail
Parpiani, Maansi Postdoc E-mail
Pedersen, Michael Bjerregaard Lynge Affiliate Professor E-mail
Quinto, Joyce Anne Academic Research Officer +4535326885 E-mail
Raju, Emmanuel Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535323733 E-mail
Rasmussen, Kristian Juul Student FU +4535329436 E-mail
Rosenberg, Frances Student +4535332550 E-mail
Rothoff, Regitze Izabella Cristine Student FU E-mail
Schiøler, Karin Linda Associate Professor, Head of Section +4535326976 E-mail
Subba, Prasansa Postdoc +4535333218 E-mail
Sørensen, Jane Brandt Associate professor, Head of Studies +4535337452 E-mail
Tersbøl, Britt Pinkowski Associate Professor +4535337447 E-mail
Tol, Wietse Anton Professor +4535330050 E-mail
Tsampoulatidis, Christos Academic Staff +4535329431 E-mail
Upadhaya, Nawaraj Guest Researcher E-mail
Vildekilde, Thilde Part-time Lecturer E-mail