Completed projects at Global Health Section, University of Copenhagen
The influence of cash and voucher assistance for disaster response on the humanitarian sector.
Kenya, Danish Red Cross, University of Copenhagen. Emmanuel Raju, Peter Furu, Pablo Hiólm-Nielsen. 2020-2023
SH+ Men: Improving mental health of refugee men through guided self-help; a scalable intervention for a critical link in humanitarian programming.
Uganda, Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC, Elrha), University of Copenhagen. Wietse Anton Tol. Jul 2020 – Dec 2022.
SH+ 360: Scaling up an evidence-based mental health intervention through multi-sectoral partnerships in Uganda. Uganda, Humanitarian Innovation Fund (Elrha), University of Copenhagen. Wietse Anton Tol. Dec 2020 – Dec 2022
Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings – Research priorities for 2021-2030. Congo, Haiti, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Syria, Turkey and Uganda. Elrha’s Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme. University of Copenhagen, Global Health Section. Wietse Anton Tol. 2023.
Online with suicidal thoughts: Consequences and opportunities for prevention. Denmark. SIND, Livslinien; Helsefonden; University of Copenhagen, Global Health Section. Jane Brandt Sørensen. 2022.
Access to Health Services for Key population in Tanzania. Tanzania. Tanzania Commission For AIDS, Policy and Programming, Tanzania; University of Oslo, Community Medicine, Norway; University of Copenhagen, Global Health Section and Section of Biostatistics, Denmark. Dan Meyrowitsch. 2016-2022.
Foetal Exposure and Epidemiological Transition: The Role of Anaemia in Early Life for Non-Communicable Diseases in Later Life. Tanzania. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Aarhus University Hospital. Denmark; Department of Clinical Science, Lund University, Sweden. Ib Christian Bygbjerg and Christentze Schmiegelow. 3 1/2 year project ending in 2022.
Safe Storage: Preventing pesticide associated self-harm in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. University of Edinburgh (UoE), Scotland, Uni. of Bristol (UoB), UK, Uni. of Oxford, Uni. Of New South Wales, Australia, University Peradeniya (UoP), Kandy, Sri Lanka, University of Kelaynia, Colombo, Sri Lanka, The South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration, (SACTRC), University of Copenhagen. Flemming Konradsen. 2010-2022.
Health and Antibiotics in Vietnamese Pig Production. Vietnam. Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Danish Pig Research Centre, Denmark; University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health, Global Health Section, Denmark; National Institute of Veterinary Research, Veterinary Hygiene Department, Vietnam; National Institute of Nutrition, Department of Food Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Vietnam; International Livestock Research Institute, Vietnam. Britt Tersbøl. 2018-2021.
SCHIMDA: The effectiveness of community-directed interventions against schistosomiasis. Malawi. Peter Furu.
Cost-effectiveness analyses of prevention and management strategies aimed at reducing the mortality of pesticide self-poisoning. Sri Lanka. The South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (SACTRC), Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, University of New South Wales, Australia, University of Kelaynia, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Lizell Bustamante Madsen. 2012 - 2020
Safe Storage: Preventing pesticide associated self-harm in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. The Novo Nordisk Foundation. University of Edinburgh (UoE), Scotland. University of Bristol (UoB), UK. University of Oxford. University of New South Wales, Australia University Peradeniya (UoP), Kandy, Sri Lanka, University of Kelaynia, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (SACTRC). Flemming Konradsen. 2010-2019.
The Kenya Diabetes Study. Kenya. Centre for Public Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Nairobi; Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science, Kenyatta University, Nairobi; Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen; Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte; Department of Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen; Department of Nutrition, Technical University of Denmark. Dirk Lund Christensen. 2005-2018.
Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Dengue: transmission patterns and entomology studies (larval stages).Taiwan. Ministry of Education, Taiwan and Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. Chia-Hsien Lin. 2012-2018.
Family matters: A new approach to identify individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes. Denmark, United States, India, and Uganda. Emory Global Diabetes Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta GA USA; Department of Public Health, Aarhus University; Steno Diabetes Center, Denmark; St. Francis Nsambya Hospital, Kampala, Uganda. Jannie Nielsen. 2015-2017.
Antibiotic drug use, monitoring and evaluation of resistance in Ghana (ADMER). Ghana. The Consultative
Research Commitee on Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. IDG, University of Copenhagen and University of Ghana, KNUST. Mary-Anne Ahiabu (PhD project). 2014-2017.
Social, environmental and climate change impacts on vector-borne diseases in arid areas of Southern
Africa. Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. University of Kwazulu-Natal, Durban. Peter Furu. 2014-2017.
Fragile Futures: Rural lives in Times of Conflict. Burkina Faso. DANIDA. Department of Anthropology,
University of Copenhagen, Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé/Direction Regionale de l’Ouest, Department of Sociology, University of Ouagadougou, Copenhagen School of Global Health, University of Copenhagen. Helle Samuelsen. 2012-2017.
InterACT: Interactions between ACTs for malaria and ARVs for HIV/AIDS in co-infected patients in
Muheza, Tanzania. Tanzania. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania and University of Copenhagen. Lasse Vestergaard. 2009-2017.
Safe Water for Food (SAWAFO). Tanzania and Ghana. The Consultative Research Commitee on Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI), Dep. of Veterinary Disease Biology (DoVDB), University of Copenhagen, Dep. of Pharmacology (DoP), University of Copenhagen, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania, Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana. Flemming Konradsen. 2012-2017.
Street foods Ghana: Enhancing the performance and growth potential of street vended food in Ghana for
accelerated socio-economic development in Ghana. Ghana. The Consultative Research Commitee on Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. Dept. of Economics (DoE), University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Anthropology (DoA), University of Copenhagen, Dep. of Veterinary Disease Biology (DoVDB), University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) Kumasi, Ghana, Dept. of Sociology and Social Work, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana. Ben Keraita. 2012-2016.
Sustainable sanitation in peri-urban Ghana (SUSA GHANA). Ghana. Dodowa Health Research Centre (DHRC), Ghana Health Services/ University of Ghana (UoG), Accra, Ghana/ Kwame Nkruma University of Technical Sciences (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana/Department of Anthropology (DA), University of Copenhagen. Flemming Konradsen. 2011-2106.
Interactions of TB and diabetes in Denmark. Copenhagen University Hospital. Ib Bygbjerg. 2013-2016.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in Tamil Nadu, India. India. Karoline Kragelund Nielsen
MA05 A trial of preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus intermittent screening and
treatment of malaria in pregnancy. Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Gambia. The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Brian Greenwood/Pascal Magnussen. 2016
The schistosomiasis consortium for operational research and evaluation (SCORE). Study 2: S.mansoni
prevalence > 25%. Tanzania. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Mwanza, National Institute for Medical Research/SCORE Tanzania. Pascal Magnussen/Anette Olsen. 2016.
Evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact of introducing rapid diagnostic tests at the health facility
level in areas of varying malaria transmission level in Uganda. Wellcome Trust. College of Health Sciences, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda/VCD/London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Denise Njama Meya/Pascal Magnussen. 2013-2016.
Wired Mothers. Tanzania. Ministry of Health Zanzibar, Danida Health Sector Programme Support, University of Copenhagen. Stine Lund. 2009-2015.
Vaccine effectiveness in malnourished children. Africa and Asia (8 sites). National Institutes of Health/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. State Serum Institute, Denmark/ National Institutes of Health. Marte Ustrup /Thea Kølsen Fischer. 2012-2015.
Efficacy, safety, tolerability and bioavailability of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for treatment of
uncomplicate dmalaria in pregnancy in Ghana. Ghana. Wellcome Trust. MCDC project & Harry Tagbor/KNUST (Ghana). Joseph Osarfo/Pascal Magnussen/Michael Alifrangis. 2015
Introducing rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) into the private health sector in Uganda: a randomized trial
among drug shops to evaluate impact on antimalarial drug use. Uganda. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/ACT Consortium. Pascal Magnussen. 2015
The cost-effectiveness of home-based management of malaria using artemether- lumefantrine
(Coartem®): a comparative study in two areas of high and low malaria transmission in rural Uganda. Uganda. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine/ACT Consortium. Pascal Magnussen 2015
Integrated Control of Taeniosis/cysticercosis (ICTC). Tanzania. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. ICTC consortium - German, Belgian, UK, Tanzania, Malawi DRC partners. Maja Vang Johansen/Pascal Magnussen. 2015.
Surveillance of antiviral drug resistant influenza viruses in Denmark 2013/14. State Serum Institute, Denmark. KMAs in Denmark. Thea Kølsen Fischer. 2013-2014
Living with a family member with type 2 diabetes - Translating diabetes evidence into public health
recommendations for interventions. Uganda. Novo Nordisk Fonden,Christian and Otillia Brorsons Rejselegat, Thorvald Madsens fond. St. Raphael of St. Francis of Nsambya Hospital, Kampala, Uganda and Kagando Hospital, Kasese, Uganda. Jannie Nielsen. 2011-2014.
Human genetics; protection and susceptibility to malaria. Ghana, Tanzania. Helle Holm Hansson Malaria and anaemia in Senegalese children. Senegal. The Malaria Capacity Development Consortium (MCDC). Ib Bygbjerg.
Molecular markers of antimalarial drug resistance. Tanzania, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Benin. Ib Bygbjerg/Michael Alifrangis.
The impact of intermittent preventive malaria treatment with artemisinin combination therapy on haemoglobin, malaria, schistosomiasis and school attention among primary school children in KassenaNankana District, Ghana. PSU, Navrongo Health Research Centre, KNUST, Kumasi Ghana. Ernest
Cudjoe/Pascal Magnussen. 2011-2013.
Screening HIV-infected mothers and infants for ART drug resistance. Tanzania. Aids fondet i.a. State Serum Institute, Denmark/Copenhagen university Hospital. Terese Katzenstein/ Zarah Persson/ Thea Kølsen Fischer. 2011-2013.
The incidence and risk factors for childhood malaria in the Sélingué Health District Mali. Mali. Mahamoudou Toure/Karin Schiøler/Flemming Konradsen. BØRNEfonden and University of Copenhagen. MRTC Mali/ Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odonto-stomatology, University of Bamako, Mali. 2010-2013.
Impact of intermittent preventive malaria treatment (IPTi, IPTc and IPTc) on antimalarial drug resistance. Senegal, Tanzania, Benin. STOPPAM, MCDC i.a. National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzania/Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal/ Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Benin. Michael Alifrangis. 2009-2013.
Drug interactions study (HIV, malaria, sickle cell disease). Ghana. The Consultative Research Commitee on Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. University of Ghana. George Obeng Adjei/Michael Alifrangis. 2009-2013.
Costs of childhood deaths. Malawi. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Malawi Study Team/ State Serum Institute, Denmark. Thea Kølsen Fischer/ Marte Ustrup. 2005-2013
Pharmacogenetics and treatment of infectious diseases (HIV, TB and malaria). Tanzania, Senegal, Mali, Mozambique. The Consultative Research Commitee on Development Research (FFU), DANIDA. National Institute for Medical Research, Tanzaia/ Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Sénégal/ Malaria Research and Training Centre, Mali. Helle Holm Hansson. 2009-2013.
A national observational and interventional study of salt consumption, disease perception and diet in Mongolia. Mongolia. Mongolian National Ministry of Health, Mongolian National Public Health Institute, Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia, Health Sciences University of Mongolia. Alessandro Rhyll Demayo. 2010-2012.
National study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices around Non-Communicable Diseases and their determinants in Mongolia. Mongolia. Mongolian National Ministry of Health, Mongolian National Public Health Institute, Millennium Challenge Account Mongolia, Health Sciences University of Mongolia. Alessandro Rhyll Demayo. 2010-2012.
The association between malaria, low birth weight and glucose intolerance in Tanzania. Steno Diabetes Centre, Gentofte, Denmark/Shree Hindu Mandal Hospital, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania/Teule Hospital, Muheza, Tanzania/National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR), Tanzania Tanzania. The Cluster of International Health Grant at University of Copenhagen, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and Brdr. Hartmann's Foundation. Dirk Lund Christensen. 2010-2012.
Automated parasite detection in drinking water. The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation (Højteknologifonden). Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Grundfoss, Unisensor. Jørgen Kurtzhals. 2009-2012.
The effects of plasmodium-helminth co-infections and deworming on prenatal malaria immunity, and malaria disease in early childhood, in a malaria endemic area. Uganda. Wellcome Trust. MCDC/Makerere University. Juliet Ndiabazza/Pascal Magnussen. 2014.
The association between type 2-diabetes and overweight, physical activity and nutrition among three
ethnic groups (Luo, Kamba, Maasai) in rural and urban areas in Kenya. Kenya. DANIDA, Cluster of International Health at University of Copenhagen, and Steno Diabetes Center. Centre for Public Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Nairobi/Department of Recreation Management and Exercise Science, Kenyatta University, Nairobi/MRC - Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge, UK/University Medical Centre - Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Groningen, The Netherlands/ Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte /Department of Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen/Department of Nutrition, Technical University of Denmark. 2005-2011.
Interactions of TB and diabetes in India. India. DANIDA/Thorvald Madsens fond. Ib Bygbjerg.
Hygiene and sanitation - practices, perceptions and effective promotion in rural ethnic communities in Northern Vietnam. Vietnam. National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), Hanoi, VietnamThilde Thorstholm Rheinländer. 2007-2010.
Quality of Maternal Health Care from User and Provider Perspective in Kagera Region, Tanzania. Tanzania. Muhimbili University of Medical Sciences (MUHAS), Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania, Bjarke Lund Sørensen. 2007-2010.
At a Loss in the land of the Brave: a study of sexual relationships in the context of HIV/AIDS and poverty in Namibia. Namibia and Uganda. Danida's Council for Development Research (FFU), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen and the Oak Foundation, Geneva . Ministry of Health and Social Services, Namibia/ Engela District Health Team, Engela Hopsital, Ohangwena Region Namibia/ Department of Sociology, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia/Department of Sociology, University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia/ Department of Sociology,
University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda. Britt Pinkowski Tersbøl. 1997-2007.
Human excreta use in agriculture in Vietnam - a study from the field to the latrine. Vietnam. DANIDA. National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE), Hanoi, Vietnam. Peter Kjær Mackie Jensen. 2004-2006.
The impact of waste water irrigation on human health and food safety among urban communities in the Volta Basin - opportunities and risks. Ghana. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Ghana/The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST), Ghana/Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark. Helle Samuelsen and Flemming Konradsen. 2004-2006.