Preparations for survey data collection and analysis of Photovoice data in Bidibidi refugee settlement
February was a busy month for the team of researchers working in the Bididbidi refugee settlement in Uganda.
A refreshers training was done, preparing Village Health Team members (VHTs) for their crucial role in gathering survey data from forcibly displaced persons affected by hypertension and type 2 diabetes. VHTs immersed themselves in training sessions on modern tools like the Kobo collect platform. They field-tested the survey and the digitalized data collection tool, and in the process offered valuable insights for refinement. There was also time to fortify the skills of VHTs in measuring glycaemia and blood pressure.
Meanwhile, a parallel effort involved 16 peer researchers engaging in Photovoice analysis. Tasked with collecting qualitative data, the peer researchers brought a unique perspective to the table. Their pictures and input to the analysis will set the stage for a preliminary thematic understanding of the health challenges experienced by forcibly displaced persons in their communities.

District NCD focal person, Baguma Siraj ( L) during Refresher Training of the Village health teams ( VHTs) on quantitative research in Yumbe.