Previous seminars


  • 14th of November from 1 to 2 pm: The Rise, Fall and possible Re-Birth of Mendelian Randomization
    George Davey Smith - Director of the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit and Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at Bristol Medical School. A seminar followed by cake, coffee and networking.
  • Friday 15th of November from 2 to 3 pm: Triangulation – Methods to Improve Observational Epidemiology.
    George Davey Smith - Director of the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit and Professor of Clinical Epidemiology at Bristol Medical School. A seminar followed by drinks, chips and networking 


  • 20th of April: The genetics of obesity: From genes to biology and precision medicine
    Professor and Vice Executive Director Ruth Loos, Novo Nordisk Foundation for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 25th of May: The development of eating disorders in adolescence: Disentangling risk factors
    Nadia Micali - Professor and Head of Research in Eating Disorders, Psychiatric Center Ballerup, Mental Health Services of the Capital Region of Denmark


  • 18th of March: Postponed until later this year
    The Danish Blood Donor Study – possibilities and challenges for epidemiologic Research
    Professor Henrik Ullum, Klinisk Immunologisk Afdeling, Rigshospitalet.

  • 20th of May: Alcohol research – from an epidemiological and interventional point of view
    Professor Janne Tolstrup, National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark


  • 6th of February: Methodological issues related to sibling and twin designs in epidemiology
    Professor Thorkild IA Sørensen, Section of Epidemiology and Associate Professor Theis Lange, Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen

  • 22nd of October: Challenges in emulating target trials (lunch seminar)
    Professor Bianca de Stavola, Institute of Child Health, UCL, London, UK
  • 3rd of December: Working with Non-Traditional Data Sources
    Professor Sune Lehmann Jørgensen, DTU Compute, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.


  • 28th of February: Complex system models in public health
    Professor Harry Rutter, University of Bath, UK

  • 21st of March:  How to evaluate potential non-specific effects of vaccines: the quest for randomized trials or time for triangulation?
    Professor Christine Stabell Benn, Bandim Health Group, Statens Serum Institute, DK

  • 11th of April: Data Fusion, Computational Epidemiology, and Causal Inference. 
    Professor Onyebuchi Arah, University of California, Los Angeles, US

  • 9th of May: (Note: two hour seminar from 3 to 5 pm) : Global studies of anthropometrics: geographical distributions, trends, and genetic and environmental influences Professor Bin Zhou, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Imperial College London and Professor Karri Silventoinen, Population Research Unit, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki

  • 20th of June: New approaches to the spatial mapping of disease
    Associate Professor Samir Bhatt, School of Public Health, Imperial College London, UK

  • 10th of October: Social inequalities in children's mental health: novel methodological approaches
    Professor Maria Melchior, INSERM, France

  • 28th of November: Predicting the personalized need of care in an ageing society
    Dr. Marvin N Wright, Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research & Epidemiology, Germany
    Dr. Sasmita Kusumastuti, Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 12th of December: Methodological issues related to sibling and twin designs in epidemiology
    Professor Thorkild IA Sørensen, Section of Epidemiology and Associate Professor Theis Lange, Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen


  • 22nd of February: Viewpoints in Epidemiology Senior Faculty at Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen (Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen, Katrine Strandberg-Larsen, Rudi Westendorp, Thorkild IA Sørensen, Mads Kamper-Jørgensen, and Naja Hulvej Rod)
  • 22nd of March: How to handle confounding – an ongoing discussion in epidemiology Professor Thomas Gerds, Section of Biostatistics & Associate Professor Mads Kamper-Jørgensen, Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen.

  • 26th of April: Translation of evidence to action in Public Health Professor Rudi Westendorp and Professor Thorkild IA Sørensen, Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen

  • 27th of September: Breastfeeding Duration and T Lymphocyte Levels in Early Childhood , Postdoc Jordyn Tinka Wallenborn, School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley

  • 25th of October: Title to be announced Professor of Medical Statistics Kate Tilling, University of Bristol

  • 22nd of November: Does mediation analysis inform public health? Methodological and data-related challenges and perspectives
    Associate Professor Theis Lange, Section of Biostatistics & Professor Naja Hulvej Rod, Section of Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen

  • 20th of December: Selection and collider bias in cohort studies, Associate Professor Lorenzo Richiardi, Biostatistics and Epidemiology, University of Turin