Copenhagen Health Complexity Center

The Copenhagen Health Complexity Center is dedicated to advancing the understanding and management of complex public health challenges, particularly focusing on young adult health, healthcare inequalities, theoretical and methodological development in complexity science, and outreach and public dissemination concerning public health complexity.

We are a group of epidemiologists, data scientists, systems scientists, bioinformaticians, curators, and researchers in related fields, collaborating on interdisciplinary projects, with the vision to use a complexity lens and multi-faceted scientific approaches to impact our societies positively.

Through collaborations with professional communication partners, the Center aims to effectively communicate its findings and promote a greater understanding of the complex issues surrounding public health. For more information on our research, teaching, and events, please contact the Center's coordinator Amy Clotworthy at

Naja Hulvej Rod

Center Director:

Naja Hulvej Rod


Tibor V. Varga

Center Deputy Director:

Tibor V. Varga
Associate Professor



Our research is centered around three themes: young adult health, healthcare inequalities, and complexity in public health.

Young adult health:  The vision of the Copenhagen Health Complexity Center is to understand real-world health complexities among young adults. The health and social issue, which arise during this life period, affect not only the individual, but also their families, their workplaces, and may have long-lasting effects on later life health and social trajectories. However, the causes and consequences of these health and social issues are intertwined, complex and often understudied, and fundamental questions on health and social issues among young adults remain unanswered. By shedding light on the distinct patterns and characteristics of health and social issues in this age group, the Center aims to address the underlying dynamics that contribute to these problems. This research theme is funded by TrygFonden.

Healthcare inequalities: Health inequalities are a major societal challenge, and evidence suggests that health inequality is established in childhood and may even transcend generations. More importantly, multiple forms of adversity intersect with each other, and disadvantaged children are often exposed to adversity across multiple biological, health, social, neighborhood, and environmental layers. In the LAYERS project, we will investigate the multiple layers of adversity that generate inequality over the life course and across generations with the vision to help us break vicious circles of adversity and identify children and families who would benefit from targeted support. In the ALFADIAB project, we are researching clinical decision-making from an algorithmic perspective. We aim to audit existing models and build updated algorithms for equitable prognostic clinical prediction of physical and mental disease outcomes as a possible entry point to narrowing health inequalities. In our project related to employment and inequalities, we focus on how employment quality as well as the digitalization of the labor market result in health inequalities across the lifespan, especially among existing vulnerable groups in the labor market. This research theme is funded by TrygFonden, the ERC, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and Cancerfonden.

Complexity in public health: At the Copenhagen Health Complexity Center, we develop practical tools for analyzing complex health problems. We design frameworks and software to bridge qualitative and quantitative modeling. Our approach is grounded in the triangulation of theory- and expert-driven research to enhance the robustness and validity of our findings. By synthesizing complex systems methodologies, such as system dynamics, with causal inference techniques, we strive to deliver actionable insights that can inform health policy and clinical practice. This research theme is funded by TrygFonden and RUBICON.


Our staff are involved in several teaching activities for medical students, and for students in the Bachelor/Master programs in Public Health and Health & Informatics.

Furthermore, we are teaching several elective postgraduate courses, including a course on Complexity in Public Health, and Algorithmic Fairness and Bias in Machine Learning.

We supervise undergraduate students (BSc and MSc theses) on a regular basis. If you are student looking for a thesis supervisor, please check IFSV’s matchmaking site for open projects or contact the Center's coordinator Amy Clotworthy at


Our key data resources are the Danish Life Course Cohort Study (DANLIFE) and the Well-being in Hospital Employee (WHALE) cohort. We also work with high-resolution tracking data and comprehensive clinical data in the SmartSleep Study.


Mail address:
Øster Farimagsgade 5
DK-1353 Copenhagen K,

Address for visitors:
Bartholinsgade 2, building 22,
DK-1356 Copenhagen K


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Associated researchers

Name Title Phone E-mail
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Bencard, Adam Associate Professor +4535320875 E-mail
Holst, Bodil Marie Administrative Officer +4535332978 E-mail
Lange, Theis Head of Department, Professor +4535327912 E-mail
Møller, Amalie Lykkemark External Postdoc +4520717014 E-mail
Nguyen, Long Associate Professor +4535335402 E-mail
Nielsen, Jannie Associate Professor +4535331262 E-mail