KISO combines physiological and sociological studies in a long-term perspective in entirely new ways to generate important new knowledge about changes during menopause.
Women’s Health and Menopause
The aim of WHAM is to improve women's health in Denmark. Through social science, humanities and public health science, we strive to enhance the understanding of women's health, particularly in relation to menopausal transitions.

With an interdisciplinary approach, our focus is on understanding and addressing the complexities of women’s health and menopause by highlighting personal experiences as social phenomena shaped and understood in a historical, relational, and sociocultural context. Additionally, we investigate tendencies and associations between menopausal phases and health, social and lifestyle conditions in the Danish population.
We examine topics such as bodily changes (e.g. symptoms), personal processes (e.g. self-perception and identity), social body ideals, everyday life with work, family, and leisure, as well as societal norms through sociological, ethnological and psychological lenses. Through an epidemiological perspective, we investigate social inequality by addressing socioeconomic, demographic, psychosocial and behavioral determinants.
Our methodological approach includes in-depth qualitative interviews, focus groups, observations, registry studies, and mixed-methods designs with questionnaire surveys. This combination of methods allows us to collect detailed and comprehensive data that illuminate the many facets of women's experiences and health during menopause.
Our ambition is to establish high quality research-based groundwork for initiatives that promote women's health in everyday life.
As co-creators of the interdisciplinary research initiative, Women in Healthy Transition, our vision is to "create an epicenter for menopause research with the goal of accelerating research and dissemination in everything from basic physiology to 'the whole person' - for the benefit of all women in Denmark and the Danish society." In this context, we are also key players in the newly established national network of researchers from various disciplines, which aims to elevate the research-based knowledge about menopause in Denmark.

Research group leader:
Maria Hybholt, Associate Professor,
phone 0045 35320840
Ongoing research projects in the research group
- Menopause, Body Ideals and (Over)Weight (PhD project start in June 2025)
- Menopause in General Practice (postdoctoral project start in May 2025)
Internal researchers
Name | Title |
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine, University of Copenhagen |
PhD fellow, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Sport, Individual & Society, University of Copenhagen |
PhD fellow, Department of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine, University of Copenhagen |
External researchers
Name | Title |
Terese Sara Høj Jørgensen |
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Section of Social Medicine, University of Copenhagen |
Professor, SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen | |
Associate Professor, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University |
Ditte Scofield | Midwife, cand.scient.san, post.doc, Department of Infectious Diseases, Amager and Hvidovre Hospital |
Ellen Frøsig Moseholm Larsen |
Senior Researcher, Department of Infectious Diseases, Amager and Hvidovre Hospital |
Katrine Sommer Boysen |
PhD fellow, Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen |
Karen Hvidtfeldt |
Professor, Department of Culture and Language, University of Southern Denmark |
Postdoc, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen |
Maja Klausen |
Associate professor, Department of Design, Media and Educational Science, University of Southern Denmark |
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, Centre of General Practice, University of Copenhagen |
Professor, Department of Business & Management (DBM), University of Southern Denmark |
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, Centre of General Practice, University of Copenhagen |
Lotte Hvas |
Læge, seniorforsker |