Forgiftninger med ukrudtsbekaempelsesmidlerne glyphosat og glyphosat-trimesium

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

Generally the herbicide glyphosate is considered harmless to humans. Glyphosate-trimesium is labelled harmful (Xn), whereas glyphosate-isopropylamine carries no warning sign. As cases of serious poisoning have emerged contacts to the Poison Information Centre have been reviewed. The persons exposed were mainly smaller children and adults 20 to 59 years of age. Oral exposure was recorded in 47 persons, inhalation exposure in 24 and topical contact in 42. About one fourth of the exposed persons were asymptomatic. Most of the symptomatic poisonings demonstrated complaints from the mouth, the gastrointestinal tract and the airways. Eleven patients were admitted to hospital. Two died, one of them having ingested the isopropylamine salt, the other the trimesium salt. Death ensued quickly in the latter patient. A similar fate was observed in a child--not included in the present material--who had also ingested the trimesium compound.

Translated title of the contributionPoisonings with the herbicides glyphosate and glyphosate-trimesium
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number35
Pages (from-to)4656-9
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2000

ID: 347802686