riskRegression: Predicting the risk of an event using Cox regression models

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In the presence of competing risks a prediction of the time-dynamic absolute risk of an event can be based on cause-specific Cox regression models for the event and the competing risks (Benichou and Gail, 1990). We present computationally fast and memory optimized C++ functions with an R interface for predicting the covariate specific absolute risks, their confidence intervals, and their confidence bands based on right censored time to event data. We provide explicit formulas for our implementation of the estimator of the (stratified) baseline hazard function in the presence of tied event times. As a by-product we obtain fast access to the baseline hazards (compared to survival::basehaz()) and predictions of survival probabilities, their confidence intervals and confidence bands. Confidence intervals and confidence bands are based on point-wise asymptotic expansions of the corresponding statistical functionals. The software presented here is implemented in the riskRegression package.

Original languageEnglish
JournalThe R Journal
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)440-460
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017

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ID: 189623972