The missing link between clinical guidelines and clinical realities
The PartoMa team participated in the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) in Cape Town 8-11 May 2023. Here follows the video recording of their Critical Conversation Session titled "The Missing Link between Clinical Guidelines and Clinical Realities: Aligning together".

Timely, evidence-based and cost-efficient healthcare is crucial for women and children. Yet, health providers in low-resource settings - key agents for improvement - are left with poorly fitting clinical guidelines. Such guidance is often disseminated top-down without pilot testing or post-implementation testing of effects, and side-effects.
We here unfold this injustice through four presentations moving from the frontline to the global level by including: 1. Voices from the ground; 2. Experiences with guidelines creation and adaptation at facility-based and national levels; and 3. A human rights perspective on implementation and aspiration gaps in guidelines creation and implementation.
After the four presentations, the audience, together with the panel of speakers, actively participated in a 45 minutes debate, which is not a part of the video.
- Brenda Sequera Dmello, Obstetrician and Technical Advisor for Maternal and Newborn Health at Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania (CCBRT)
- Nanna Maaløe, MD, Ass. Professor, Co-Principal Investigator of the PartoMa Project in Tanzania
- Mike English, Pediatrician, Professor, the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (KWTRP) in Kenya, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Oxford University
- Lynn Freedman, JD, MPH, Professor and Director of the Mailman School's Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) Program, Columbia University
Read more about the conference International Maternal Newborn Health Conference here.